Ratty 4 Us 0
We’ve (well, Debbie has) worked really hard to secure the garden against the rats and we think that they no longer live in our garden. All bird food had been removed and then we slowly reintroduced the hanging bird food having protected the poles to prevent the rats climbing up to it. This had worked really well until the introduction of flying rat!
This particular rat launched itself from the 6 foot high garden wall across around 4-6 feet in the air landing on this hanging bird feeder and started to stuff its face. When we banged on the window s/he simply launched itself onto the floor…a good 6 feet down…quite amazing to see!

Mark Seton
I'm an amateur photographer who enjoys music. I'm a past Chairman and Digital Secretary of the Bishops Stortford Camera club and I hold both LRPS and CPAGB distinctions. I have recently moved to Newcastleton in the Scottish Borders.