185/365v3 The Passing of Time

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I popped over to Walton on the Naze this afternoon to try and photograph the old pill boxes and bunkers that have fallen into the sea following the erosion of the coast. Last time I had a look at these was about a year ago…they’ve really suffered at the hands of the sea since then, although the tide hadn’t gone out far enough for me to photograph the bunkers that still remain. The added bonus was the sunset. More after the break…

Pill Box

Holding Back The Tide

Sitting on top of the Horizon

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Mark Seton
I'm an amateur photographer who enjoys music. I'm a past Chairman and Digital Secretary of the Bishops Stortford Camera club and I hold both LRPS and CPAGB distinctions. I have recently moved to Newcastleton in the Scottish Borders.

One comment

  1. Hi There, I love your photos of Walton – can I please post them on our Walton Army Cadet Force closed group facebook page? They are stunning!

    Many Thanks!

    Andy gosling-Campbell
    Walton DC
    Essex ACF

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