It’s London Init! Part 1

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The longest day, or as photographers like to think, the shortest night, was on or around the 20th and 21st of June this year. There’s quite a gathering of photographers to be found roaming the streets of London on this night doing the sunset to sunrise over nighter and I joined the throngs this year. 

First of all, if you enjoy photography this is great fun – get together with a small collection of mates, get a pass out from the better half and go roaming for a night with your camera. We started with 7, lost 3 at midnight, a further 2 went shortly after sunrise – around 4.30am and I was left to my own devices at 6.30am to carry on until I had completely run out of steam at 11.00am…I had a good kip when I got home!

So, there follows a selection of images from my night out. Hope you enjoy.

We started at London Bridge…in the pouring rain…but it soon stopped raining and I got these two images of The Shard which I was particularly pleased with, including Number One Tower Bridge (the square building to the right.


The Shard, London - a black and white long exposure


This was absolutely how I had pictured this picture coming out when I took it, so was extremely pleased to get this.

This is a colour version of almost the same shot but including some of the traffic moving up and down the Thames…or at least the light streaks created by those boats. I also enjoy the inclusion of Southwark Cathedral on this shot on the far right.

Evening at the Shard - overlooking the Thames River as boats busied themselves

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Mark Seton
I'm an amateur photographer who enjoys music. I'm a past Chairman and Digital Secretary of the Bishops Stortford Camera club and I hold both LRPS and CPAGB distinctions. I have recently moved to Newcastleton in the Scottish Borders.

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