I only had to take 1 photograph for today’s shot, of the coffee cup. With a little bit of jiggery pokery in photoshop and throwing in some coffee beans from the shot a couple of days ago we get this zip style shot, which I’m quite pleased with.
All the previous Black and White Unite shots have been pure black and white, but there have been a couple where having a little of the colour actually makes a better image. After some consideration I realised that I make the rules for this so a little bit of colour, where it enhances the image, is perfectly acceptable, so there!
Here’s the pure black and white version along with the full colour version. Let me know which version you prefer.
Mark Seton
I'm an amateur photographer who enjoys music. I'm a past Chairman and Digital Secretary of the Bishops Stortford Camera club and I hold both LRPS and CPAGB distinctions. I have recently moved to Newcastleton in the Scottish Borders.