The Blog

SOAS Building, London

Kandinsky’s Constructivist Vision

A post or 2 ago I shared some images I had created in MidJourney AI based on my Black and White Unite series of ball bearing images. I thought I would dig a bit deeper into this and produce some images based specifically in the style of one of its

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Constructavism meets Brutalism

Brutalism, AI and Constructivism

Many of you will know that I have a fondness for a good Brutalist building, so much so that I have a separate web site all about photographing Brutalist buildings around the UK.  Brutalism Brutalism is an architectural style that emerged in the 1950s and was popularized in the 1960s

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Picture of Mark Seton

Mark Seton

I'm an amateur photographer who enjoys music. I'm a past Chairman and Digital Secretary of the Bishops Stortford Camera club and I hold both LRPS and CPAGB distinctions. I have recently moved to Newcastleton in the Scottish Borders.